Welcome to Growing Older, Living Younger

Growing Older, Living Younger (GOLY) will empower you to change your aging process at the cellular level, to feel vibrant, healthy and energetic as you age. Through the lens of epigenetic science, we will explore the small steps you can take on a daily basis, to change your aging trajectory and promote health span over lifespan.

New research reveals that what you think, how you move, what you eat, how you interact with others, stimulate your mind or challenge yourself, can modulate expression of your genes. You inherit your genetic blueprint from your parents. But you construct the person that you become.

The GOLY Roadmap to healthy aging is based on modulating gene expression through lifestyle changes in 7 core areas, as introduced in my book Growing Older, Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably.

This website is your hub for all things related to Growing Older, Living Younger including the GOLY Blog, the Podcast Blog and links, Sources and Resources. Join the Growing Older, Living Younger Facebook group, invite your friends to join and let’s start a movement to build a GOLY-Generation of SuperCentenarians.

DNS Strand | Ask Dr. Gill
Scepticism, Bias and Facts

Scepticism, Bias and Facts

'Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why? (Bernard Baruch) After years of engaging with my long running lifestyle website that hosted the four blogs, Review from the Seat, the Cellar, the Cabin and the Studio, my readers are very familiar...

Roasted Garlic: one of my guilty secrets

Roasted Garlic: one of my guilty secrets

Is roasted garlic on your list of favorite foods? I confess it is on mine, and now that I am 'socially distancing' I am enjoying it much more frequently than before. Longer ago than I care to remember, I visited New Orleans for the first time. I was there to present a...

Quercetin, rutin, saffron and turmeric

Quercetin, rutin, saffron and turmeric

No, I am not planning to cheat on the daily challenge by including  Q,R,S and T in this post. I just surfaced from another voyage of discovery down the curiosity rabbit hole . This time I was trying to make sense of the myriad antioxidants, polyphenols,...



Aristotle said 'the more you know, the more you know you don't know'.   And Dr. Seuss wrote 'the more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you'll go'.   And sure enough this journey...

Overload and Overwhelm

Overload and Overwhelm

I was out for my early morning power walk along the sea wall.  The waters of False Creek were sparkling in the sunlight,  birds were chattering away and I inhaled the oxygen in the cool sweet air coming off the water and felt good.   My book is in...

Nourish Skin and Bones

Nourish Skin and Bones

As meticulous as I have been about ensuring that my micronutrient supplement regimen is what my body needs for healthy metabolism, so have I been skeptical about health claims made for the vast variety of other products offered to us...

Micronutrients: Who Needs Them?

Micronutrients: Who Needs Them?

As a newly qualified medical specialist with dual Fellowships in Pediatrics and Medical Biochemistry, the first research problem I tackled was to find out how much zinc and copper was needed for premature babies, too small to be fed orally, who...

Lectins and Leaky Gut ?

Lectins and Leaky Gut ?

In the 90's when the 'eat no fat, no cholesterol, no red meat, no whole eggs' message was the prevailing dietary doctrine, my husband and I  spent a week at an institute in California that promoted weight loss, wellness and longevity. Their meals were basically low...

Keep your  Greens Fresh

Keep your Greens Fresh

Apart from roasted asparagus and brussel sprouts, my preferred vegetables sources are leafy greens - arugula, kale, spinach. I eat a lot of salads so i was somewhat perturbed to read that outbreaks of food poisoning from contaminated greens are more common than I...

Join the club

Join the club

Do you live alone?  In 2016, for the first time in recorded Canadian history, one-person households were the most common type of household. Single-person households increased from 7 per cent in 1951 to 28 per cent in 2016. Roughly 4...

Growing Older, Living Younger Book | Ask Dr. Gill

Growing Older Living Younger is affiliated with the SuperAge News Network and BabyBoomer.org, where you can find more great content about the longevity revolution and positive aging.

Ask Dr. Gill | SuperAging News Network


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