Growing Older, Living Younger

Change Your Aging Masterplan

5 keys to Reversing Aging and Living Younger Longer

CONGRATULATIONS on taking the first step to Change Your Aging.
You have successfully joined the Program!

This 5 week Program will start Tuesday, June 20th, 2023
The link to join online will be sent to you a week before.

Your Next Steps

1. Choose Your Class Time (9 am or 12 noon PST)

2. Reply To The Email To Verify Your Email Address

Reply to the email that will be sent to you to verify your email address so that you will receive the course emails. This email will provide course details and your link to join the exclusive Change Your Aging Private Facebook Group. This group is the home base for the Masterplan course where you will find the Introduction thread, replays of module videos, where to post course assignments, the Q & A thread and much more.

This link is not to be shared as only registered participants for the course may join the group.

If You Encounter Any Problem

Please email or call 1-778-686-2449.

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