027 Joshua Black: Loss, Grief Dreams and Aging Well

Nov 22, 2021 | Podcast Episode

American author, journalist and professor, Norman Cousins writes ‘Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. “ 

Not allowing joy to die within you when you suffer a major loss of a loved one is vital for an optimistic, positive life view. Yet finding joy again can be hard, seemingly impossible,  

We increasingly experience the death of friends and family as we age.  The better we can decrease the stress of these losses, the less impact this will have on our aging trajectory says today’s guest.

Joshua Black, PhD, is one of the world’s leading academic experts in grief dreams. He is a grief researcher, speaker, consultant, and host of the Grief Dreams Podcast. His work focuses on dreams and continuing bonds after loss.   

Previous guests have discussed ways of healing after loss or traumas, becoming resilient, and accepting the  importance of self-care as you care for others. Today we discuss dreaming and another manifestation of grief, the Grief Dream.  

To connect with Joshua Black:
The GriefDreams Podcast  
website: http://www.griefdreams.ca
Clubhouse (@griefdreams).  

To connect with Dr. Gillian Lockitch  

Email: podcast@askdrgill.com  
or book a call  https://calendly.com/askdrgill/30min  Find  Growing Older Living Younger The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably at a special price at gillianlockitch.com 

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