023 Dr. Gillian Lockitch: Aging Gracefully the Keto Way

Oct 24, 2021 | Podcast Episode

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.   Virginia Woolf. 

Today I talk about what dining well means to me and how, embracing ketogenic nutrition and time-restricted eating changed my aging trajectory from a downward path to ill health, to aging youthfully with energy, vitality and grace. 

On my journey of recovery from sciatica and emergency spinal surgery I learned  to think of food as medicine. Once I discarded  all the tired myths and misinformation about food and nutrition, this changed my life. I lost body fat, regained my energy and vitality, became an entrepreneur at 70, focusing on helping others stay healthy and vibrant as they age. 

To learn how to enhance your vitality and energy, decelerate your aging trajectory, or start your online business in wellness and anti-aging, email me  at podcast@askdrgill.com or book a call with me at  https://calendly.com/askdrgill/30min 

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